torsdag 13 mars 2008

"State-run education, despite all the money thrown at it, has failed to keep pace"

Anthony Seldon (Master of Wellington College och som skrivit Tony Blairs biografier.. Lite av Blairs "ideologiska guru"), har idag en debattartikel i The Telegraph med den intressanta rubriken "All of Britain's schools should be independent":

"Let me propose a vision for the independent sector. It should advocate that every school become independent and it should actively help schools to achieve the tonic that independence offers. To pave the way, every independent school should forge a meaningful bond with a state school. I am not talking about letting state-school children use the swimming pool or the minibus. I refer to real engagement, with pupils spending time in the other school."

"Independent school teachers, too, should spend time working in a state school, and vice versa"

Mjaeh.... Alltså, det finns väl en anledning till att privatskolor och friskolor väljer vissa lärare framför andra?
"The principal reason, however, why the independent sector should reach out is
because of the moral duty in a democracy to share. It has a disproportionate
number of the best teachers, facilities and pupils"
Hell no! Vad är det här för skräp?!

"So let's have government giving back to independent schools a portion of the £2.2 billion that their parents are paying in tax for other children to attend state schools."

"Government should also propose charging for state schools /.../ International studies show clearly that, where parents pay fees, parental interest and appreciation increases, and children fare better at school."

Då är det väl lika bra att sälja dem?
I och för sig, om man skulle bli tvungen att betala för svenska kommunala skolor, så skulle bara de som är något att ha överleva... Marknaden är återigen det enda som löser alla problem :).

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